Code Corner

AEMA Code Updates – January 2023

Note: This report has been compiled as an overview of items approved for publication as well as ongoing committee projects.  There is no time frame for completion of these projects (if they are completed at all).  Some of these have been in the works for years.  The brief project description is provided to give you an idea about the project but is not a complete description.  If you would like a more in-depth description of any project, please contact AEMA.


This committee is in a new cycle.  We are not aware of any elevator/lift changes at this time.

ASME A18.1

Approved for next edition 2023

15-235 Proposed Format Changes to A18.1

21-1079 Proposed Revisions to A18.1; Requirement 1.5 Reference Codes, Standards, and Specifications

22-145 Proposed Revisions to A18.1; Clarification to Language in Requirement 2.7.1 4)

22-1172 Proposed Editorial Revisions to A18.1; Editorial Reference Correction – A18.1-2020 Requirement

Working Items

15-1184               Runway door unlocking devices (new rules)

16-2632               Factor of safety (no update for some time)

19-3009               Calculating the mean angle of a stair (now 45 degree average) (proposed 70 degree max (or manufacturers specification)

20-1043               Expansion on alterations (better definition of what an alteration can be)

20-1580               Machine spaces outside of VPL tower (rules for drive and electronics cabinets)

20-1581               Tags for periodic inspection (detailed specs for tags and labels)

20-1582               Requirement courtroom lifts (enclosure rules)

20-2504               IPL clearances (requiring smooth surfaces and minimum deflection)

20-2944               New requirement jumpers (number, issued to, size, color, accounted for)

20-2945               Folding rails on stairway chairlifts (movement force, retraction, attachment, etc.)

22-144                 IPL Two Way Communication System (required on platform controls, compliant with other standards for wireless, etc.)

22-146                 Application of Sections 10 and 11 to both new and existing installations

22-710                 Reference ASME A17.6 for suspension means (specifications for wire rope)

22-712                 Final terminal stopping resetting switch (does not allow movement in either direction)

22-1045               Rated load capacities (changed to reflect capacities in other sections)

22-1697               Wireless controls (unique to each lift, failsafe, not bypass safeties, over-ridden by carriage controls, etc.)

22-1698               IPL headroom clearances

22-1699               Residential VPL top landing door height (same as commercial – 79”)

22-1700               Editorial cleanup and reorganization of entrance language.

02-3350               Inspections guide – large long term project

Discussion Items

Emergency Elevator Communication System for People with Disabilities

ISO Document

Rack & Pinion Engineering and Drive System Requirements

Security Keypads or FOBs to Secure Platform Lifts

Clarifying the Direction for Inspections

Bottom Landing Safety

Travel Speed and Speed in Turns

Ability to Have Single Arm Fit on Stairway Chairlift

Separation of Vertical and Horizontal Clearance Requirements

ASME A17.1

LULA Sub-Committee

Working items

19-2125               Clarification of machine room and machine space requirement – other items in machine room.

21-2234               Machine room door size, recognizing that LULA machinery is smaller than commercial.

Update to A17.2 Inspections Guide.  Updating to include recent revisions and references

Private Residence Elevator Sub-Committee

Approved for the next edition

Definition of “Car Floor Clear Space”

Auxiliary Light in Car

Working items

13-2983               Operations of Safeties – involves the requirement for a speed governor and special rules for traction drive machines.

15-164                 Car door interlocks (for non-continuous enclosures)

16-149                 Measuring clearances.  A new template for measuring the distance from the car gate to landing door gap.  On hold pending the next 2 items.

22-87                    Door deflection

22-88                    Clearance (4 inch ball)

16-1201               Monitoring of the hoistway door locking device contacts for redundancy)

17-294                 Anti-creep leveling device – on hold until the outcome of Record 15-164.

17-500                 Opto-electronic protective devices (light curtain)

18-1581               Alternate Suspension Means – review requested by Mechanical Design Committee.

18-1435               Car position relative to hoistway door unlocking (overlaps 21-57)

19-809                 Counterweights potentially passing through floors (warning for service personnel)

20-77                    Locking control stations/doors (language cleanup)

20-522                 Clarify glass and acrylic requirements in car doors and gates. (marking)

21-57                    Regarding the 150 mm (6 in.) allowance. Locking devices for car doors when leaving the hoistway. (reduce to 3 in.)

21-1049               Remote monitoring/ remote operations (no progress)

21-1050               Sprinkler in private residence (no progress)

22-62                    Location of Speed Governor (“safely and readily accessible for inspection and testing”)

22-63                    Driving Machines: general requirements alternate methods of moving platform during power failure.

22-1688               Shaftless PRE Exception (minor wording)

22-1691               Revision for permanent additions to hall door to meet 4 in. gap requirement

22-1693               Clarify Sight Guard Measurement Conditions (minor wording)

22-476                 Request from earthquake safety committee (revised drive guards)

Various                Editorial updates (A17.2, references, coordination with other standards)

Discussion Items

Hillside Incline Lift (rules are old and potentially out of date)

Hoistway Access (considering a requirement in Los Angeles)

Various inquiries

New Items

Increase platform size (15 sq ft to 22 sq ft)

Hatch proposal (cover to be weight sensitive and stop upward movement)

Error regarding re-opening devices (not required on private residence elevators)

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2010) is the current edition.  It provides both scoping and technical requirements for accessible design, including requirements for platform lifts and elevators.  Copies are available at United States Access Board.

International Building Code (IBC)

Current Version is 2018 IBC.  This standard provides scoping for accessible elements in buildings, including lifts and elevators.  The newest edition of the code and references can be purchased at ICC.

Upcoming Version: 2021 IBC Development

The International Building Code provisions provide many benefits, among which is the model code development process that offers an international forum for residential construction professionals to discuss prescriptive code requirements. This forum provides an excellent arena to debate proposed revisions.

Support References for the IBC

ICC publishes a wide range of support products and materials to help users and enforcers of the IBC to improve their knowledge and understanding of the code. Several key publications are provided below, or get the full list from the ICC Store.

Significant changes to 2021 IBC Resources from the ICC Store.

IBC Codes related specifically to accessibility from the ICC Store.

National Electric Code (NEC)

The latest edition is 2020.  This standard provides electrical requirements for the design and installation of lifts and elevators.  Copies are available through NFPA.  NFPA makes important safety codes and standards available for free online.

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